Digital Online
Mi. 01.06.2022, 16:00 bis 18:00
Digital Online
On 9 May 2022 the Conference on the Future of Europe CoFoE came to an end. CoFoE was an “out-of-the-box” innovation in democratic participation running for one year. Originally the brainchild of French President Macron the then new Commission President von der Leyen adopted the idea and wanted to give citizens a voice in discussions over the future of the EU. For the CoFoE a complex governance structure was developed enclosing citizens’ participation at supranational level via four European Citizens’ Panels consisting of randomly selected citizens from all over Europe who deliberate on a range of topics. In addition, a Multilingual Digital Platform, a Conference Plenary and a tripartite Executive Board was established futureu europa eu.
One of the recommendations developed by citizens is to develop institutionalized structures for participation in order to close the gap between citizens and EU policy-makers. This idea is now sparking academic debates, especially since several member states have developed deliberative assemblies at national level in the past years (e.g. Ireland, also Baden-Wurttemberg). But how to adapt national innovations to the complexity of the EU polity?
The talk will first give an overview of the CoFoE and secondly present a model for institutionalizing citizens’ participation in the EU. The model was developed by a group of international experts jointly with the Bertelsmann Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Gabriele Abels is Jean Monnet Chair ad personam for comparative politics and European integration at the Institute of Political Science, University of Tuebingen. Her research expertise includes democratization of the EU, the role of regions and parliaments in EU policy-making, integration theory and gender perspectives on European integration. She is member of the Bertelsmann Foundation expert group on developing a participatory model for the EU.
Zugangsdaten (Zoom): 937 8983 8580 (Meeting ID), 971399 (Passcode)
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