
Digital Online

Mi. 25.10.2023, 19:00 bis 20:30


My Europe - Moldova

Digital Online


'My Europe' is an interactive digital series of events that invites its guests to discover Europe. On 25 October, Anastasia Pociumban will take the audience on a virtual journey to Moldova.

Anastasia Pociumban joined DGAP in April 2022 as a research fellow and project manager of the Think Tank Network on the Eastern Partnership in the Center for Order and Governance in Eastern Europe, Russia, and Central Asia of the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP).

Anastasia will introduce the audience to this rather unknown country in Eastern Europe. The guests will get to know fun facts and the culture. The speaker will also discuss Moldova's relationship with the EU and explain its current candidate status.

Free registration!

VeranstalterEUROPE DIRECT Aachen
Anmeldung bis25.10.2023
Zielgruppejunge Leute
AnsprechpartnerEUROPE DIRECT Aachen
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