
Digital Online

Mo. 13.11.2023, 17:00 bis 18:30


Navigating the future

German-Polish relations in 2023 and beyond

Digital Online


One month after the pivotal elections in Poland on 15 October, we’ll be delving into the future of German-Polish cooperation. What shifts can we anticipate in German-Polish relations after the elections? How might Poland’s role within the EU evolve, and are substantial changes expected in Polish EU policy? And to what extent do the results of the Polish elections allow us to draw conclusions about the possible outcome of next year’s European elections?

We would like to discuss these and other questions with you in our next online Citizens Dialogue "Navigating the future – German-Polish relations in 2023 and beyond” on 13 November 2023. Bring your concerns and questions and take part in the dialogue with, among others, Dietmar Nietan, Coordinator of German-Polish Intersocietal and Cross-Border Cooperation of the German Federal Government, and Aleksandra Rybińska-Wróbel, Member of the Board of the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.

Sign up here: bit.ly/eugerpol_23

The Citizens Dialogue is organised by the non-partisan Europa-Union Deutschland e.V. in collaboration with the Polish Thinkzine Nowa Konfederacja. The project is funded by the Press and Information Office of the German Federal Government. It is part of the Citizen Dialogue project “Europe – We need to talk”.

VeranstalterEuropa-Union Deutschland e.V.
Anmeldung bis13.11.2023
Telefonnummer des Veranstalters030921014005
E-Mail für Anmeldungen buergerdialoge(at)europa-union.de
AnsprechpartnerLouis Goldstein
Weitere Informationen
Partner Europa-Union


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